Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Click, Click, Boom!

Who would have thought little clicking sounds would have such an impact on our everyday life? Well I heard that little clicking sound last night in relation to my trusty MacBook Pro. As I was on the couch blogging, with my Bub on my husbands chest  (not on mine, can you believe it!?) my beautiful pink incased, Internet surfing, typing device started to click. At first I though "hmm the must be an add running in the background," only to inspect it further and literally press my ear to the computer. The sound I was hearing was clicks, scratches, and everything a computer should NOT sound like. Panic started to rushed through my post-pregnant jellylike body. I quickly did what I probably should not have done. I hit the power button. No, I didn't shut it off correctly through the start menu blah, blah, blah. I went straight for the round little button and pressed it hard (I get that from my mom...the button smasher)! PHEW! The clicking stopped, I was in the clear. Everything in the world was right. My husband was sitting there all comfy with my Bub snoring on his chest, cracking a smile every now and then and my computer was fixed.

Okay back to blogging I thought. I turned it back on and all I got was a bright white light. Usually bright white lights mean that you're heading towards death right? Well, its true! The clicking was back and the computer was facing imminent death. I smashed the power button again and again and pushed the computer away from me. I mean seriously who knows what the clicking was. Perhaps I got a virus that turned my computer into a bomb that would self-destruct. So, that probably wouldn't happen, but I wasn't taking chances. Good thing I have an iPhone and iPad! I looked up the clicking noise online to find out that it was a hard drive failure. FAILURE?! Oh yes, say good-bye to the over 10,000 pictures I have on my computer. And I know what you're thinking, "she should have backed everything up." How many times have I heard that in the past 24 hours? But come on ain't nobody got time for that!

Okay to make a long story short, the next day I packed my Bub and mother up in my Jeep and drove 30 mintues to the Apple store just to be told I have to have an appointment. An appointment, really Apple? So we left and went to Best Buy where I was told the same thing but then they magically had someone available. He was great! Telling me what I needed to do and gave me options of them doing it for me or telling me I could possibly do it. So I decided to not have them fix it, since I am SuperMom, and I was to replace my own hard drive! Oh yea...and I'm cheap and there was no way I was to spend over $300 to have them replace my hard drive and install the operating system.

Well ladies and gents I did! I know what you're thinking pictures or it didn't happen. Well guess what all you non-believers....I have pictures!

Oh and I must say that as I was going through the mall from computer store to computer store, toting my clicking MacBook in my Coach diaper bag, my Bub was sleeping like a champ. Grandma was almost skipping with glee while pushing her little GrandBub reciting over and over "You're with your Grandma...Grandma's pushing you....Grandma loves you!" It was rather cute.

So note to those who hear clicking.... it is not a bomb, it's just you computer trying to erase every memory you have and cause you to have a minor heart attack. But the good thing is, now I get to pay BIG BUCKS to have all my crap recovered off my clicking hard drive.

My poor MacBook Pro
Let there be life!
Taking a lunch break, after the computer fiasco, at Panera Bread
Just so cute!

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