Baby Gear I Love

Being a mother and a wife, on a daily basis I am faced with products that I either love, hate, or am indifferent about. Most of the products that I have, I do love since I research to the ninth degree before I decide to spend money on anything. So I thought I'd start an ever growing list of products with my reviews and pictures. 

Boba 3g Soft Structure Carrier:
       First off let me say this has been a lifesaver! My little Bub for the first few weeks of life had a hard time falling asleep. That's until my brother saw this on my registry and purchased it for me. As soon as I put my Bub in it he falls right asleep! This leaves me able to get up and get things done around the house since I'm hands free. What I really love is, unlike the Ergo, there is no infant insert. You just flip it over and snap two buttons to shorten it and BAM! its ready for your infant! Mine was purchased off of Amazon for $120, and it was worth every cent my brother paid, ha! No but seriously, I would have paid (myself) more than that. 
      The only drawback is the color that I got. I got the black and with my cats and the floating tumbleweeds, the dang thing gets covered so I carry around a lint roller. I would suggest another color if you were to purchase it. But my loving husband said he would not use it if it were anything than the "manly"'s black and he has yet to use it....trickery! 

Rock N' Play (RnP):
    Okay let me first start out by saying we did not buy this, or even consider it, until we were desperate for our 5 day old baby to sleep. I had heard about it and read some negative reviews about babies getting the horrid "flat head". But seriously, the reviews were making it sound like if the parent even had a fleeting thought of buying one, the child's head instantly took the shape of a pancake. Well the rebels that we are, we bought it! I say rebels because before he was in the RnP, he was sleeping next to me in bed...yeah yeah I know people have their opinions. My only opinion is that I love a sleeping baby, and that's exactly what he was doing when he was laying next to me breathing in my "unshowered musk" all night. 

    So we went out really early one morning and picked it up at our beloved Tarjay (Target for all you Walmart shoppers). That night he was out like a light. What I love is that it is inclined just enough so he isn't flat on his back. Which was good for us since he had reflux issues in the beginning. And being the nervous first time mother that I was (I say was because I've lightened up a tad) it eased my nerves knowing he wouldn't be choking on his spit-up. 
    Another reason why I love it, is that it cradles him so I can easily transition him from my arms to the RnP and he still feels secure. Also, it rocks...hence the name. So I can sit and do things and rock him with my foot. This has been proved to be handy many many times. 
We do not use the straps that hold him in. Yup that's the rebel in us! I mean come on, where is a 9 week old really going to wonder off to if not strapped in? So I place a receiving blanket down to cover the straps. Plus it gives us something to cover him with if he wants it.
So after all the negative reviews, I say go out and get one! It saved us. It is now a permanent fixture in our living room. I can place him in it to go pee (since I haven't made the leap to Depends yet. Ha!) or to make a bottle of nicely pumped milk. 
 As you can tell by the lines on his face, I seamlessly transferred him from my chest to the RnP. This also shows the blanket being used to cover the straps.
And my over-protective cat watching out over my Bub!

Huggies Natural Care Wipes:

   First of all I have to say that I do not like baby wipes in general. I think it's weird that a cloth substance can stay wet for years and not mold. That being said, I do love these wipes (if I had to love a wipe). First and foremost they DO NOT SMELL! A lot of times when you buy a product and it says "fragrance free" it usually has that lingering "fragrance free" scent to it. I think most of us know what scent that is. The one they use to mask the regular scent. But truly I do not smell anything. Perhaps it is just being overwhelmed by the gas my child has...I'll let you be the judge. 
   I also love, and I'm also skeeved out by, the fact that they do stay nice and wet. I have seen the Pamper's wipes dry coming right out of the sealed bag. These are so wet you might be able to wring a drop or two out of them. This is great for two reasons: #1 is they really get your child's tush nice and clean, #2 they will stay wet for a while if you leave the wipe container open for a day or two....HA! 
   The biggest reason I love them, they really do help stave off diaper rash. They are all natural (well as all natural as an ever-wet cloth can be) and they keep the chemicals at a minimal which helps my Bub's rear from breaking out, no matter how many you use. Like my husband who can go through an economy pack within two days. What can I say - he likes his boy squeaky clean...I shall not complain (since this also mean's he's changing diapers!). So all in all, these are the best wipes I've found. They don't smell, will stay went for centuries so you can pass them down to your great grandkids, and don't assist in giving your child that awful looking red bum!
Photo from

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